Age of Sigmar, Showcase

Showcase: Nurgle Lord of Plagues

I’ve finished the Nurgle hero for my Chaos undivided army, the Lord of Plagues. This is a fantastic miniature, it’s always been one of my favourites and I loved painting it! As I mentioned in my previous post showcasing my Plaguebearers, I have decided to…

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WIP: Great Unclean One Greater Daemon of Nurgle

Hey guys, a real quick post today of a Forge World Great Unclean One that I am slowly working on. Not much has been done as yet, just the very basic stages. The paints used are Vallejo olive drap over a black undercoat. Then I…

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WIP: Chaos Daemons Prince of Nurgle

Hey Guys! This is my Nurgle Daemon Prince that I’m painting for my Deathguard Army. I usually do him in between painting commissions. He’s the third one I’ve painted and so far what is great is that this one I get to keep. The one…

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