Showcase: Nurgle Lord of Plagues
I’ve finished the Nurgle hero for my Chaos undivided army, the Lord of Plagues. This is a fantastic miniature, it’s always been one of my favourites and I loved painting it! As I mentioned in my previous post showcasing my Plaguebearers, I have decided to…
Showcase: Nurgle Plaguebearers
Hi everyone, I’m pleased to show you my finished unit of Plaguebearers. They are the first battleline unit for a fun 2000 point army I’ve started. Check out after the jump to see more photos and the list. These models are the first to join…
Showcase: Nurgle Plague Hulk and Khorne Raptors
Hey guys, today I was planning on showing some photos of a very large Blood Angels army that I have almost 99.9% finished. But had to pull the idea at the last moment as I only see it fair that the customer of the army…
WIP: Great Unclean One Greater Daemon of Nurgle
Hey guys, a real quick post today of a Forge World Great Unclean One that I am slowly working on. Not much has been done as yet, just the very basic stages. The paints used are Vallejo olive drap over a black undercoat. Then I…
Tutorial: Painting the Herald of Nurgle
Hi All, It’s Ksusha here. I’ve got a tutorial video for Herald of Nurgle. It’s probably my most thought through video to date. I really tried to make the steps logical and easy to follow, as well as the visuals and voice over in place….
Showcase: Great Unclean One Greater Daemon of Nurgle
Hey all, today I thought I’d show yet another Great Unclean One. To date now I have painted about 20 of these guys over the years, and he still ranks as one of my all time favorite models to paint. I find it interesting to…
WIP: Chaos Daemons Prince of Nurgle
Hey Guys! This is my Nurgle Daemon Prince that I’m painting for my Deathguard Army. I usually do him in between painting commissions. He’s the third one I’ve painted and so far what is great is that this one I get to keep. The one…
Showcase: UltraForge Nurgle Plague Daemon
A few days ago I posted some photos of a UltraForge Khorne War Daemon and thought I show the UltraForge Plague Daemon that I just finished painting. I like the model a lot. He’s quite big and again like the Khorne War Daemon would make…
Showcase: Plaguebearers of Nurgle
Still feeling completely lost from recently moving house. I’m finding it very difficult to get any work done as most of our belongings are still in removal boxes. Hopefully normality will return soon. The last 12 months for me have been pretty full on with…
Showcase: Plague Drones of Nurgle
It’s been a hectic couple of weeks for me hence why I disappeared from Tale of Painters. We bought a new flat so instead of painting miniatures I have been packing, moving what seemed like hundreds of removal boxes and unpacking. The whole experience has…