Showcase: Nurgle Rotbringers Sorcerer and Lord of Plagues (incl. painting guides)
Welcome to today’s blog post where I share two Maggotkin of Nurgle Heroes I recently painted. I’ll also share paint recipes for a few of the prominent parts of these models.
Showcase: Underworlds The Wurmspat by Arkaan
Hello!, It’s Arkaan here. Not much time passed and I found my way back here ^_^ Today I’m happy to present my version of The Wurmspat, and oh boy, absolutely fantastic minis they are indeed. Super fun to paint and experiment on. I started with…
Showcase: Maggotkin of Nurgle Lord of Blights by FruitBear
Hi everyone, it’s been a while since I’ve posted. During these troubling times in the world, I hope everyone is doing well. I have to admit to myself it’s given me a bit more time to do the things I like, especially hobby! With that…
Tale of Tuesdays: Garfy’s Month 4 – Nurgle’s Rotters
This is my fourth #Taleoftuesdays post and marks the end of my Bloodbowl team! My Nurgle’s Rotters team, dubbed the ‘Deep Sick Divers’, are fully painted with the completion of the Bloater, Rotter and Pestigor pictured above. After the jump check out the fancy…
Tale of Tuesdays: Garfy Month 3 – Nurgle’s Rotters
Storming onto the pitch for the third quarter are three new players for the Deep Sick Divers. A Bloater and two Rotters! Check out the team logo I drew and all nine players after the jump! Here it is! The Team emblem. Following the nautical…
WIP: Nurgle’s Rotters Bloodbowl
If you’ve been following #TaleofTuesday’s you’ll know I’ve been taking part in a four month project where four of us paint our own Bloodbowl teams. This Tuesday coming is my third month and I have to post another three players to stay on track. In…
Tale of Tuesdays: Garfy Month 2 – Nurgle’s Rotters
Welcome back sports fans to the second quarter of this great game called Tale of Tuesdays! I’ve hit my second monthly deadline by completing the next three models. After the jump, I’ll share some close-ups and a group shot of all six players of the…
Tutorial: Nurgle’s Rotters Blood Bowl Team
In today’s post I share with you a complete photo tutorial guide to paint the Bloater from the Nurgle’s Rotters Blood Bowl team pictured above. More after the jump! This tutorial assumes you have a basic understanding of how to paint. For the beginners, I…
Tale of Tuesdays: Garfy Month 1 – Nurgle’s Rotters
Welcome sports fans to my first outing for Tale of Tuesdays! I’ve hit my monthly deadline by completing the first three models. After the jump I’ll talk about why I choose these three models to paint first and I’ll reveal my team name! Firstly, if…
Showcase: Great Unclean Ones of Nurgle – Trio of Rot by Silvernome
Grandfather be praised. Today I wanted to share with you a trio of the most unclean deamons in the Warhammer Universe. But to start a bit of a side story on how I came across these disgusting beasts: In the mid-2000’s I had the pleasure…
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