This is the second of the four batches of Dark Eldar Wyches. The one on the left is the Hekatrix. I tried to give her a personal touch by not using the usual legs with the wide stance. I also glued the pony tail to a masked head instead of a bare one. I’m quite fond of this look, what do you think? For the agoniser I tried blending the colours with my airbrush but it didn’t turn out that great. I learnt that you shouldn’t thin your paints directly in the paint cup as this seems to clog up the airbrush much faster. I also bought a gun with a smaller needle size for infantry sized models. But for this model I have to improve the blending by hand.
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Great minis! The blending on the agoniser is grand: the only thing I'd do is add a touch of white but that may just be me. They're brilliant as they are though!
I am starting a Dark Eldar army as soon as I finish my Crimson Fists, so I am taking a good amout of interest in your progress. I think the blending on the agonizer looks fine. The color reminds my of gummi worms – it has that translucent quality which is cool. By the way, what needle size are you moving to?
I've had a 0.3 mm needle before, now I'm going to use a 0.2 mm needle.