Kill Team, Reviews

Review: Kill Team: Nightmare

Kill Team: Nightmare review & unboxing

In the 2nd boxed expansion of this season of Kill Team, two dreadful factions clash amidst the chaos of Gallowdark’s collision with the forge world of Bheta-Decima. Featuring the dread-inducing Nemesis Claw of the Night Lords and the enigmatic Drukhari Mandrakes, this packed box is accompanied by an imposing Generatorum Hub terrain piece and enhanced by nine new missions and narrative twists. Find out more in our review of Kill Team: Nightmare.

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40k, Reviews

Scale comparison: New Space Marine Scouts

Primaris Space Marines Scouts scale comparison

The new Space Marine Scouts from Kill Team: Salvation are now available in a box of their own. In this post, I’ll take a closer look at the new models and compare the scale with a variety of old and new Space Marine sculpts, including previous Scout models from every generation. At the end, I ask the all-important question: scale creep or no scale creep.

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Kill Team, Reviews

Review: Kill Team: Salvation

Kill Team: Salvation review and unboxing

With some delay, Santa Claus brings us the new Kill Team: Salvation box just in time for Christmas Eve. A water planet inhabited by the Adeptus Mechanicus sets the stage for a new season of Kill Team, and the Aeldari send Striking Scorpions to encounter newly designed Space Marine Scouts. In this review, we unbox the set and see what’s changed over previous boxes.

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40k, Painting Guides, Showcase

Showcase: Space Marine Terminator Chaplain (inc. painting guide)

The Space Marine Chaplain in Terminator armour seems to be stirring up a lot of discourse on the internet. Some people are saying it’s not very detailed, some are saying it’s a perfect blank canvas and then there are the people who thinks he has teddy bear ears… Well. in this post I’m going to share my thoughts on this sculpt and include all my paint recipes in a handy painting guide.

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40k, Showcase

Versus: Terminators or Gravis Armour?

Clad in the heaviest armour, armed with oversized weaponry and striding through all enemy small arms fire like it wasn’t there are the elite fighters of the Space Marine Chapters the Veterans of the 1st Company, the Terminators and Mars’ newest progeny the Primaris wearing Graves armour. But which one is best? We take a look at these units in today’s blog post.

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40k, Reviews

Scale Comparison: New Leviathan Terminators

Leviathan Terminators scale comparison cinematic shot of multiple models in front of a pink dramatic sky

Here comes an epic scale comparison of the new Terminator models from the Leviathan launch box for 10th edition of Warhammer 40.000. I included over 20 models from my collection, from 2nd Edition to Horus Heresy Terminators, Firstborn and Primaris Space Marines, Cadians, Skitarii, and more.

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Horus Heresy, Reviews

Scale Comparison: MkVI Horus Heresy Space Marine Legionaries

Horus Heresy MkVI Space Marines Scale Comparison featured image

The new Horus Heresy launch box features 40 fantastic MkVI Space Marine models that have been completely redesigned. Many have wondered if the proportions of the models have been adjusted and how the models look in relation to Primaris Space Marines. In this post, you will find the ultimate scale comparison with all armour patterns as well as Imperial Guard, Chaos Space Marines, and more.

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