The new Space Marine Scouts from Kill Team: Salvation are now available in a box of their own. In this post, I’ll take a closer look at the new models and compare the scale with a variety of old and new Space Marine sculpts, including previous Scout models from every generation. At the end, I ask the all-important question: scale creep or no scale creep.

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In this video, I’ll check the scale of the newly updated Space Marine Scouts. Games Workshop seems to shy away from calling these explicitly Primaris, but I have a hunch that the new versions might have gotten noticeably larger:

Also check out this review of the Kill Team: Salvation box, which also has high-res sprue pics of the new plastic Scouts kit:

So, to answer the question from the beginning. Is it scale creep, yes or no? I would say NO scale creep, rather a scale adjustment to the Primaris range.

Hope you found this video helpful. Let me know in the comments below, leave a reaction, we’d love to hear your thoughts about the new Scouts’ size and if that’s something that bothers you. You are also invited to join our friendly hobby Discord to discuss all things Warhammer and share your painted models.