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Hey there, Stahly here with a slow start on my first warband for #taleoftuesdays Warhammer Underworld edition: Ylthari’s Guardians. I just started to work on them this weekend, as I was busy finishing my Land Raider Crusader first.

I love the Sylvaneth range and I’m really glad that Underworlds allows me to paint a couple of models without committing to a full army. I want to do something different and go for pink leaves, inspired by sakura trees, the white and pink trees from the White Dwarf Realm of Life article, and Angaroth40k’s fantastic Sylvaneth army:

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This project is also about getting a better understanding of Contrast paints. For the moss on the base and the bark, Contrast is perfect. On the model on the right, I also added some highlights to the bark and painted over any areas that came out a bit patchy, and I think it looks pretty cool. However, on the smooth weapon handles the result is very uneven, so I’m probably going to repaint them with a classic approach of basecoat, shading, and highlight. Let’s see if I can finish this warband in four weeks time 🙂

Check back next Tuesday to see Garfy‘s (hopefully completed) warband. Don’t forget if you want to paint along with us, make sure you use the following hashtags on social media platforms (twitter, Instagram or facebook). 

#taleoftuesdays #taleofpainters #paintyourgames

Make sure your account is public (in case of facebook, set your #taleoftuesdays posts to public).

We’ll round up all your posts and share them at the end of each month. From all of your warbands that were painted during Tale of Tuesdays, we pick our favourite warband to win a Wayland Games or Element Games voucher for an Underworld warband box of your choice so you can start painting another warband right away.