And now for something completely different… After a lot of painting Skaven, I thought it would be great to work on something for my other armies. With Grey Knights beeing all the rage lately, I dug out a box of Close Combat Terminators I bought a while ago. I had a regular Terminator squad in my old Ultramarines army, but my recent Ultramarines army doesn’t have any Tactical Dreadnought Armour and no Marines army is complete without them. I will run them with two pairs of Lightning Claws and three Thunderhammers. I assembled the first three Terminators (the one on the left is built from the promotional WD Terminator).
On another note, I changed the blood on the Warlord’s blade. I’m still not completely happy but at least it’s a little bit better now.
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Sweet! Getting back to the boys in blue.
I have my combat terminators loaded out like that and I have to admit it works very well. I join a chaplain to the unit and all hell breaks loose.
blood looks a lot better.
nice poses on the terminators by the way looks like they are actually moving instead of the general statue look I get with most terminators I come across.
Good job!