Becoming a part of the Tale of Painter Blog Network is a great way to gain more exposure for your tabletop related blog. The most recent posts from the Network are displayed in our Network widget in the right column for all our readers to see and visit.

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Joining the network is easy, just follow the steps below:

1. Your blog must be dedicated primarily to tabletop games. As Tale of Painters is a website for painters and collectors of Citadel miniatures, there must be painted Games Workshop models in your blog (at least occasionally). Please note we can only accept blogs written in English.

2. Download the banner below (right click, then choose”save target as”) and add it at a clearly visible place on your blog, e.g. at your sidebar. A click on the banner must lead to Tale of Painters – .

234×90 px

For Blogger blogs, go to „Page Elements“ and add an „Image“ gadget where you would like the banner to be. Upload the image file from your PC and link to .

In other blog systems you probably have to implement the banner manually. Either way, please do not „hotlink“ the banners but upload them to your own webspace.

3. If you have a Blogroll, Blog List or something similar on your blog, add Tale of Painters there as well. If you got a Blogger blog or Google Friend Connect, become a follower of Tale of Painters.

4. Once your preparations are finished, post the URL of your blog in the comments section of this page. We will check if your blog is suitable and add it to the Network. Note that this might take some time – we’ll collect a number of blogs and add them to the list every few weeks. We will delete processed applications so if your comment is no longer there everything went fine. If we have to reject your blog for one reason or another, we try to contact you to work out a solution.

Please note: On September 20, we lost all blogs that joined the Network before May 2016 because of a data loss beyond our control. We would love to welcome back all the great hobby blogs that made the Tale of Painters Blog Network so awesome, so if your blog went missing as well, please resubmit the link and we’ll return it to the list as soon as possible. This would also be the perfect occasion to upgrade any old banner graphics for the fancy new one above.