At long last, I’ve finished my rendition of Cato Sicarius, Captain of the Ultramarines’ Second Company. Make sure to check out all the pictures after the jump, as my paint job is quite different from the ‘Eavy Metal version.
Most noticeably is probably the head swap. The bare head that comes with the model has quite pronounced jaw bones which look a bit off in my opinion, compared to other Space Marine sculpts. The head I used comes from the Deathwatch Kill Team sprue. I found an artwork of Sicarius on the internet with grey temples, which inspired me to reproduce the effect for my paint job.
Another difference to the ‘Eavy Metal version is the amount of yellow. I added the heraldic yellow stripe of the the Second Company to the knee pad, shoulder guard and banner. I feel it makes the model more colourful and adds some 2nd Edition nostalgia.
All in all it was fun model to paint. It’s satisfying to look at in my display cabinet, considering I bought the model soon after it’s original release and never got around painting it until now.
How do you like my version of Sicarius? Leave a comment below 🙂
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Nice to see the final execution. It's especially nice to see the yellow heraldic colour back.
You may be aware that gold and yellow are interchangeable, according to heraldic rukes, as are white and silver. My issue with the 4th ed change to Ultramarines being changed to blue and gold stemmed from the fact that it stood all over the traitors toes.
Previously, the loyalists tended to have block colours as trim and the traitors has the metallic trim. Thus the Ultramarines looked more like the Thousand Sons.
Subsequent editions and the heresy seem to have Ultras in blue and gold all the time, regardless of company.
Seeing how nice this looks, perhaps its time for a return to heraldic yellow in addition to gold trim?
Finally, I really like the grey temples. One of the classic captains painted for the first SM codex in 3rd ed had them and it conveys both experience and mortality very simply to a line of figures who are often just screaming baldies (Astartes Pattern Baldness).
Great job, clean clear colours.
Wow. Very cool, very clean paint job. An excellent take on a space marine hero!
Like the changes, both head swap and extra yellow.
Love the red on the cape, have you done a tutorial on this before?
Cheers 🙂
The red is painted entirely with old Citadel paints, basecoat with Mechrite Red, then Scab Red and Scab Red mixed with some black for shading, Blood Red and Blazing Orange for highlights. You could use Khorne Red – Mephiston Red – Evil Sunz Scarlet – Trollslayer Orange instead, though Mephiston Red is much more vibrant than Mechrite Red.
Thank you, very much.
I still have the older paints, and you're right mechrite red is more of a brick red than the more primary red that is Mephiston red.