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Using my limited knowledge, I thought i’d share a quick overview of a typical Dual Action Airbrush.

Overview: I’ve labelled the above image and below are a series of brief explanations of each area of the airbrush.

A: Trigger – Being dual action, this trigger controls the amount of paint and when air is released. Pushing the trigger down activates the air flow and pulling it back, pulls the needle allowing for as much or as little paint through as required.

B: Paint cup – This is a gravity fed airbrush and are generally considered better.

C: Hose attachment – This is where you attach an air line to the airbrush.

D: Air adjuster – This adjusts the amount of air flow in the spray

E: Needle Stop adjuster – You can screw this in or out. It controls how far back you can pull the needle. The the more the needle pulls back the bigger the spray.

F: Needle locking grip – This adjuster grips the needle. You need to undo this to release the needle.

G: Nozzle – Paint comes out of here.

Guide to dissembling the Airbrush

First unscrew the rear housing. Then turn Needle locking grip (F) to release the needle.

Then unscrew the two parts that make up the nozzle (G)

Using the supplied spanner, carefully undo the tiny nozzle. It’s this tiny nozzle that tends to get blocked and needs the most cleaning. I carefully use the needle to unblock and clean it.

BE CAREFUL not to damage this part or the needle. Both are thin metals and easily bent ruining the accuracy of your airbrush.

Another top tip is don’t over tighten anything. Everything is small and delicate, finger tight is perfect. You should be able to unscrew everything by hand.

Looking after your brush will give you years of painting and practicing will give you steady results.

Please share your airbrush tips in the comments below.

Garfy's Get a Grip - now available on ebay