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Hey there, I’ve finished the arm on the right and went back to the lower body now. Some good progress there, hope to finish that piece tomorrow. What to do you think so far? And last but not least… happy new year!
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Stahly lives in Craftworld Hamburg, located in the north of Germany. He has been involved with Warhammer since childhood and has painted several armies and countless warbands and kill teams over the decades. When he's not painting miniatures incredibly slowly, he's writing tutorials and testing the latest miniature paints, hobby tools and kits. He founded Tale of Painters to pass on his knowledge and bring inspiration to your hobby.
Really nice job on this beastie so far. I didn't know where to put it so let me just past it here – address to my blog Sorry if it's the wrong place 🙂
Keep up the great work on the network and all the best in 2012!