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I finished the Dreeadfleet terrain. This was an exercise in precision drybrushing. Got some nice soft subtle colouring on the rocks by using an old fish-tailed GW tank brush. Read on to discover how I painted the wrecks.

I’m most pleased with the ghostly ship wrecks though. I started with a basecoat of Vallejo Game Colour Rotting Flesh + Bonewhite. I used Vallejo Fluorescent Green added some Glaze Medium and washed it over all the ship wrecks. Once it had dried I dry brushed some VGC Off White over them. It’s created a really nice ethereal glow to them. I’m going to paint the Shadewraith ship in exactly the same way.

Here’s a pic of the Warships I’ve painted so far about to run aground on wrecks and Islands.

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