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I’ve begun work on my next model for my Ironjawz army, the Megaboss! I’ve started out painting the face before attaching his front plate, as this obscured a lot of the face. I wanted to pay close attention to the face and make it really stand out, and also spend a little more time on it as well as the whole model considering it is a character model. The skin is Elysian Green shaded Druchii Violet thinned with Lahmian Medium, I then highlighted with Ogryn Camo and Vallejo Ivory. I also glazed Carroburg Crimson around the nose and mouth. The little spots on the skin are Deathworld Forest mixed with black and thinned with a little bit of water and dotted on. I really enjoyed spending time on this and I’m happy with it! Excited to get on with the rest of him now!