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Pre-Heresy World Eaters Assault Squad finished! Look at those pretty jump packs, power fist and meltaguns! Much fun to work with, really enjoyable.
Sigur is a full-time professional painter and founder of Battle Brush Studios.
As a passionate wargamer he champions variety in miniature gaming, be it figuress, rules sets or hobby supplies. His collection includes a variety of scales, historical periods and settings, such as Space Orks, Imperial Guard, Sisters of Battle, Dark Elves, Ancient Persians, Thirty Years War, Napoleonics, WW2 and much more.
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I second the close-ups Sigur. I love the pre heresy World Eater's paint scheme; it makes the blood stand out that much more! Check out my pre heresy Kharn I made from a finecast Astaroth:
I've got more bodies I need to paint up similarly!
Are the jump packs a forgeworld item or a conversion all your own? Any tips on recreating them?
Lovely work on this gore soaked marines Sigur. Maybe you could treat us with a couple of individual close ups?
@ DuendE, I couldn't get your link to work? Thanks for following Tale of Painters.
WOW ! amazing minis !
Great blog !
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