Hey guys, with 2011 now gone it’s time for a glimpse in the future. 2011 was mainly Skaven from me, around 2500 pts planned resulting in a Skaven typical massive model count I needed to tackle. In 2012, I need to finish my Hell Pit Abomination, my Skavenslaves plus another unit of Giant Rats and Clanrats and some characters. This should take a couple of months.
For change, I’m going to toss some Eldar models inbetween like the squad of Fire Dragons you can see above. The next big project will be an Escher gang for Necromunda. I’ve bought the full range for like 35 Euro some years ago on ebay but since then they’ve collected dust in my cupboard. But in the next year I will finally do those classic Jes Goodwin sculpted beauties the proper justice.
I guess it might be late Summer when I’m through them, so afterwards it will be a couple of Dark Eldar, I’ve still got a bike squad for my Ultramarines on sprues, and I heard we might see a new Eldar codex around christmas so I’m keeping my breath for new plastic jetbikes, which I need a lot of for my Saim-Hann warhost…
So what are you up to in 2012 in terms to our hobby? Tell me in the comments!
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Looks like a solid plan! Glad to see some Necromunda going under the brush, easily my favorite game!
2012 is going to be all about expanding my old school Grey Knights and finishing off my loose Chaos marines.
@ Rev
Yes, I've got every model from the range – sadly only once and I don't want to incomplete my collection. Would have loved to help you out mate! 🙁
Finally finishing my Death Korps of Krieg will be the biggest thing this year, along with building and painting a pre-heresy, fanatically loyal Word Bearers army. A Soviet Flames of War army is also on tap for our club's Firestorm: Bagration campaign in May. 2012 promises to be a fun year!
2012 looks like it is going to be a bit of a mixed bag of projects, after a couple of years of gathering dust I am going to bee pulling out my Dark Angels and getting them up to scratch, I'll be adding some elves to my Wood Elf Tree Spirit Army. There are some local players wanting to start up Blood Bowl, Mordheim and Necromunda Leagues and Campaigns so I will be working on my forces for those as well, and I will try and paint some Circle of Oboros when I have time.
can't wait to see some eldar action!
Well with 25 normal jetbikes on sprue plus 1e finished (off witch 7 are a seer council ) im not Joling for New models big new rules would be great. Furthermore i'Lo be woeling on my etc army which is a tyranid army, to alternate models i'll probably work on my retribution of scyrah army on the Side.
So a lot of work all ready planned for 2012
please please please tell me you've got the hugely expensive Escher plasma gunner…