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I spent a whole week of evenings hand painting this armour. Glazing and glazing Warpstone Glow over Caliban Green was very tedious. Spending so long with this model I had a lot of time to think. I was considering the aesthetic of this scheme. Technically it’s a complicated blend which I think is very pleasing to the eye but if you’re into realism then these highlights fall short of that expectation. Miniature painting is art and that means it’s all about the painter expressing themselves. I do this by choosing to paint bright, sharp paint jobs that wouldn’t look out of place in a 1990s White Dwarf (like Kim Syberg Spaces Wolves). How about you? What kind of style do you prefer? Would you ever spend a week hand blending the armour or would you break out the airbrush? 

Garfy's Get a Grip - now available on ebay