And here it is, the new Citadel Paint Range in all its glory. None of the old names, no Foundation, no Washes, but Bases, Layers, Shades, Drys, Glazes, Textures and Technicals. Bases are going to be the new Foundation paints, Layers are like the old regular paints and Shades will be the new washes. Dry is supposed to be a thick and fast-drying paint that is meant to be drybrushed, while texture is paint with sand and stuff mixed in that you can use for bases. Talk is they will be in-store on March 24th.
What do you think? Judging from the pictures, there seam to be equivalents for most of the current range. But then they are probably made by a different manufacturer and/or with a different recipe, so even they might look similar there won’t be a 100% match. I’m glad I stocked up some crucial paints for my paint schemes! On the other hand I think it’s great they expanded the range because it was so limited before.
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Towers, don't worry. Check out this review: Warpaints Strong Tone Ink is 1:1 the same product as Devlan Mud but cheaper.
I think I'll cry if I can't use devlan mud anymore.
Don't understand the need to change every name it creates unecessary hassle to go through old color recipes… so the shades are the new washes? I REALLY hope they didn't changed the washes formula.
Me no understand. Want normal paint.
love it… thanks for the post. I'm looking forward to this with my painting… will have to build another paint rack though.
I use a lot of reaper paints and they are organized into shades and highlights which makes life much easier.