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Tale of Painters is happy to share this leaked image of the Citadel Colouring Book. After the jump we’ll share high resolution images of the sample pages we’ve managed to extract from the pdf proof that was accidentally emailed to one of our contributors. 

The images we’ve managed to extract from the high resolution pdf that was accidentally emailed to to one of the blog’s contributors, look to be photoshopped images of painted models rather than drawn images.

The pdf we received only had a handful of pages so we suspect it’s a work in progress early draft. All the pages were of 40k models. 

The Imperial Knight was actually a double spread but we’ve stitched the pages together so you can see it as a whole.

The quality of this terminator seems to differ from the other Illustrations? Perhaps an early production test or one that’s still awaiting refinement?

We added our blog’s logo to the front page image because we believe it will go viral. How do you feel about a Citadel Colouring Book? Do you think Games Workshop is aiming at a younger target audience? The front cover mentions Citadel Crayons, or we getting a new product range? 

Garfy's Get a Grip - now available on ebay