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In our recent review of the new Citadel paint range we came to the conclusion that the new shades aren’t as good as the old washes. When you apply them to a model they tint the surface more. There is less contrast between the dark recessed areas and the upper pronounced areas, the result is a less convincing shading effect. In addition to that, Agrax Earthshade is lighter and browner than the popular Devlan Mud, as Sigur found out. Does it mean the beloved old Citadel washes will be lost forever? Don’t worry. Check out the inks from the brand new Army Painter Warpaints range, which will make perfect replacements for Gryphonne Sepia, Devlan Mud and Badab Black.

When we reviewed the Army Painter’s Warpaints paint range we already took a look at Strong Tone Ink. We came to the conclusion it’s a perfect match for Devlan Mud. Now we’ve picked up the other two inks – Soft Tone and Dark Tone – and played around with them. It became clear that these are made with the same formula like the old Citadel washes (apart from the sometimes really awful smell). They are of the same consistency and they behave the same when you brush them on a model.

Here are some comparison shots:

Here we have Gryphonne Sepia and Soft Tone Ink. Gryphonne Sepia seems to be of a slightly more yellowish brown while Soft Tone Ink seems more orange, but: Be aware that my pot of Gryphonne Sepia is very old, I bought it just when the washes were released and it’s of the initial production run in China. When they relocated the production to France the tone of some paints changed, amongst them Gryphonne Sepia, which became slightly more orange. I’ve seen it with my own eyes at a mate. So Soft Tone Ink might be closer to the latest batches of Gryphonne Sepia than in the photograph.

Next is Dark Tone Ink and Badab Black. Dark Tone Ink seems to be lighter in the recesses but this is only because I applied it in a lighter coat. I can assure you that Dark Tone Ink makes a perfect match for Badab Black.

Finally, Devlan Mud and Strong Tone Ink. Devlan Mud seems to be slighly more black, but the difference is really hard to tell. Especially if you would apply it on a coloured base coat.


The Warpaint Inks make a great replacement for the old Citadel washes. They work the same and the tones are an almost perfect match to their Citadel counterparts. In addition, the inks come in 18 ml dropper bottles for just 2,75 Euro, so you get 50% more wash for less, as Citadel paints are 12 ml for 3 Euro. Warpaints are available now at a local game store that carries Army Painter products or a variety of online shops like Wayland Games (which offer them with a 10% discount).

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