Guys, after 10 months we decided it was the time to give Tale of Painters a little optical facelift. So welcome the new Tale of Painters design! Don’t worry, this is still the Tale of Painters you like and enjoy. We took the best of our old website and made it just better. Everything is so crisp, it’s like the moonlanding! Nah, just kidding… but we hope you enjoy the more modern design and clearer arrangement 😉 We also improved loading times and support for older browsers and Internet Explorer.

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But it’s not just the new design. We also added a couple of new features. We added threaded commenting to our commenting section, which means from now on you’ll be able to directly answer to a specific comment via the reply link you find in each comment bubble. We hope this lets the sparks fly for even more interesting hobby discussions!

Also check out our new site footer, where you can discover the six latest tutorials and reviews, the six most popular posts this month and six random posts so you don’t need to miss out on our excellent hobby content we’ve produced over the time.

Preparing and installing our new design took lots of time and effort. We hope you’ll enjoy it and remain loyal to Tale of Painters. A big thank you to all of you, whether you are a first timer on Tale of Painters or a regular reader. Your feedback is what makes Tale of Painters so great for us! Please tell us in the comments your thoughts about the new design, maybe point us toward a bug we might have missed or simply take the time to subscribe to our RSS feed, to like us on Facebook or follow us on Blogger to show your support. In the grim darkness of the far future there can only be more great hobby posts brought to you by the Tale of Painters crew!