Another squad is completed and joins my army of the Imperium. This time it’s a squad of Dark Angel Devastators. More angles after the jump.
The weapon load out on the squad isn’t all that exciting, but I think the storm bolter, heavy bolters and frag missiles should help soften up horde targets. It’s a cheap squad, not many points so shouldn’t draw much attention form the enemy.
I freehanded all the shoulder icons. I’m really happy with how they came out. The Chapter icons are actually really simple. It’s just semi-circles and rectangles. Check out the pic below to see how I painted them.
Finally here is the picture of their backs. I really love my small collection of Dark Angels. I’m also really enjoying taking my time painting and not rushing units through just to complete an army. I might be working on my second Imperial Knight next. Let’s see if I can muster the courage to start it. Starting a project can be the hardest part sometimes.
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Do you think you'll make a dark angels imperial knight?
My second Hawkshroud Knight is aligned to my Dark Angels.
Nice work here 🙂 and thw insigna is really well made!
Extremely cool. Love the Mk.VI guy, also very jealous of your freehand skill/patience!
Thanks for the tip on the icons!
Nice 🙂
I'm always amazed at how you paint to such a high standard in so little time! I seem to be able to achieve a decent paint job, but a squad of this standard would take me forever!
Sweet. Love the kitbashed Signum. There is a brown spot on the back of the left leg on one of the HB Marines though 😉
Dust/Mud kicked up by the rigours of being a devestator marine. The marine in question will have to recite 10,000 litanies of armour cleansing and whip himself 102087 times using the tail of a tyranid prime for forgiveness.
That splash of mud is to distract you from seeing I forgot to paint the heavy bolter ammo in the backpacks.
It worked! I didn't notice 😀