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Today marks the day that Tale of Painters becomes one year old. It was today, one year ago, that Garfy and Sigur joined and Stahly’s Paint Station became Tale of Painters. This is a sentimental look back, so hit “more after the jump” and join the birthday fun!

Since then, we’ve seen a lot of cool stuff happening on Tale of Painters: Garfy assembling and painting a mighty Thunderhawk. Rev joining the crew. Our epic reviews of Dreadfleet, the Army Painter’s Warpaints range, Warhammer World’s Fat Bloke burger, the new Citadel paint rangeWarhammer 40k 6th Edition, Dark Vengeance and lately, the relaunched White Dwarf. Our even more epic painting tutorials – How to paint Ultramarines, Grey Knights, Dark Angels, Tyranids, the Chaos Helbrute and many more. Our new design. Stahly completing his Skaven army. Sigur painting loads of power armour of all kind. Garfy painting his second (!) Hierophant. Rev sharing his Iron Hands army. Sigur taking a break from marines and painting Orks. And so much more! Travel back in time by accessing all our posts sorted by month under “Browse by month” in the sidebar, or browse by clicking on the various tags.

In terms of numbers, this means: Over 875 posts, over 850,000 views, over 2800 comments, over 240 blogs in our Tale of Painters Blog Network, over 1000 feed readers, over 680 Blogger follower, over 330 Facebook likers. Wow!

Thank you guys for your ongoing support!!! And also thanks to our sponsors, which help us to do what we do. Check them out.

We are determined to continue serving the community with daily inspiration and useful hobby resources. Tale of Painters is here to stay. In fact, we’ve still got a couple of tricks in our sleeves… so stay tuned for a very special announcement later this week!

Please put your birthday wishes in the comments below. Maybe there is something you always wanted us to tell? This is the place!