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Hi there, this week I’m moving, so no hobby time for me. Instead I swapped my size zero brush for a 25 cm/10 inch wide paint roller and painted the living room. Now, with an aching shoulder I’m planning my man cave. I’s a very small room – 1.80 m wide and 2.60 m long. The pictures above were taken when the previous tenant was still living in the flat. They give a good impression how small the room is., but of course the room is empty now. Let’s see how I’m going to fit in display cabinets and shelves for all my armies and over 1000 graphic novels and books, desk space for both my gaming PC and hobby work area and daylight lighting for photography purposes.

On the right side, where the bed was, there will be three black IKEA Billy bookshelves with Olsbo glass doors. Here I will put in my mangas, graphic novels, rulebooks and of course my armies. Note that the Billy/Olsbo combination is far from dust proof – there is plenty of space between the doors and the bookshelf itself. This is why I have to look out for a suitable weatherstrip to seal the cabinet to prevent my models from getting too dusty.

Another great idea for a flexible shelf unit/display case system from IKEA is Besta. There are different sized units and glass doors which can be arranged in different ways, an example can be found here. The Besta doors seal much better but the Billy bookshelves are narrower which gave them the edge over the Besta ones as the space is very tight.

On the left side there will be two 1.20 m x 0.60 m Vika desks with black legs. One will have a regular height of 70 cm for my PC, the other one a height of 90 cm. This allows me to better rest my arms when painting models or working upright. I bought the table legs in a DIY store.

Above the desks will be additional wall mounted shelves and a magnetic board. I also bought some daylight bulbs for a better colour reproduction when painting or taking pictures, but will also install a lamp with regular bulbs as this is more comfy for PC gaming or web browsing.

Let’s see if everything goes according to the plan! This will be a labourious week for sure. What do you think of the setup?