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Hey guys, I made some good progress with the second batch of Death Company Marines. Included are the classic “I punch you in the face pose”, as well as some Forge World Mk4 armour parts on the Marine on the right. They are still a bit shiney, but how do you like them so far?
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Stahly lives in Craftworld Hamburg, located in the north of Germany. He has been involved with Warhammer since childhood and has painted several armies and countless warbands and kill teams over the decades. When he's not painting miniatures incredibly slowly, he's writing tutorials and testing the latest miniature paints, hobby tools and kits. He founded Tale of Painters to pass on his knowledge and bring inspiration to your hobby.
It's also in the tutorial. Basecoat is Mechanicum Standard Grey, then a heavy drybrush with Longbeard Grey, then a wash of a 1:1 mix of Army Painter Warpaints Dark and Strong Tone Ink (Badab Black and Devlan Mud or Nuln Oil and Agrax Earthshade).
Stahly, thank you and accept my apologies – I did not notice it was in the tutorial. Next time I'll read better:-)
Hey Tomas, you can find everything you're looking for in this tutorial: Check out steps 10, 12 and 13 for the black armour. Bolters are painted the same way as the red armour.
Hi Stahly,
thanks a lot! Going to start working on them over the weekend. Would you – if possible – hint me with the bases, too?
Hi Stahly!
I like your painting style, this bunch of BA Death Company looks really good. Actually, it made me buy the box 🙂
Is there a chance that you'll publish a tutorial for the black armor? I know the red parts were covered in some other tutorial over here…and maybe colors used for the bases? They nicely complement the color scheme.
Thanks and looking forward next parts:-)
Love the pose on the punchy Marine. Will you paint the sword in NMM style?
Nope, just regular silver.
May I ask you, once more as I forgot to ask in my post below, how the bolters were painted? If under the same color scheme as described in your tutorial for Blood Angels, forget this question, though…