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Skin Wolves.What can I say..Nasty 🙂 I picked these guys up last year at the Salute show in London. I loved painting them.Mainly the reason why I got them, but have actually received a lot of flak for the way I painted them. I have had a lot of emails saying that I should of painted the skin pink. But I preferred keeping them more subtle. I think adding strips of pink would look a little blurgh.. I liked the art work in Monstrous Arcanum and decided to copy that. I loved these guys, but unfortunately don’t own them anymore. I believe they live in Florida.What do you guys/girls think?
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ThirdEyeNuke is no longer an active contributor to Tale of Painters. However, you can still browse his archived posts by clicking on this banner.
If I ever start playing Vampire Counts, these will get in to my army – love the horror movie feel to them!
Bloody love these models, especially the middle wolf. Perfectly posed. The paint job is wicked man, I think subtle works better with this kind of beast, makes the blood stand out all the more! Love the bases too, what kind of materials do you use to make them?
They look great, I think the skin looks well. I really must pick some up myself.
I love these – not as much as the Chaos Dwarves but they're a close second.