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As models I think the Deathwing Terminators are pretty sweet, and again (you will get bored with me saying this) where a lot of fun to paint. As with all the other Dark Angel models I painted I tried to keep the colour palette minimal. This is something I seem to be doing a lot with my work recently and I think the effect is quite effective when something is minimal in colour and then you add a little stark contrast. Again like the Deathwing Knights I found the instructions a little confusing. I hope GW does not get into a habit of not using numbers for parts. But like before I am being picky as I really liked these models as you have a lot of parts in the box to make variations. What do yo think?
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Really nice. I like them alot.
By the way…cant have a power sword in a command squad. There is no Sergeant. Why do GW do this? Every shot of the Squad from them has a Sergeant with Power Sword but it is not in the unit Entry?
i like your stile a lot, and the clean palet is working fin if you ask me.
And i have a question for you as well.
– what was the base colour that you workt from, was it like a mid tone kaki colour?
– and what colour did you use to get the brown shadow, looks like a sepia a colour.
any how cool stuff man.
Hi, the base coat was Vallejo air Cam light brown, followed by light brown and then Game colour Bone White. I used a airbrush for all these.
The brown shadow was done using GW sepia mixed with watered down black.
Hope that's some help.
Beautiful -TEN how do you do the robes on the Watcher are the glazed metallics they look super shiney?
Hi, basically it was pretty simple. I used Vallejo Chrome model air which I drybrushed lightly over the finished surface.Its a nice metallic for brightening things up. I use it a lot.
Fantastic man!
My favorite model here is actually the watcher in the Dark. This style of painting suits him perfectly
Wow they look great. They have a look like they have been fighting together for decades.
Need a turtorial, nao.
Really good painting, maybe the cloth the sergeant wears would've been better in a different color.
I really love the limited palette and cool tones. What a refreshing take on the Deathwing.
Really like the limited palette colour scheme, I've been trying in, but have been struggling on the minor details of the models.
Looking at your style has given me some ideas.
Look forward to more,
Hey thanks Josh 🙂
Well, too bad we will not see a tutorial from you, like…ever.
Hi, I don't really do tutorials. I'll leave that to Stahly and Garphy who are very good at it. I can point out colours, paints,brushes,what airbrushes I use etc. But that's about it.