Completely painting a boxed set from start to finish is a lot of work, and requires stamina and determination. You have to put the hours in or it just won’t happen. To celebrate the completion of this monumental task, it’s time for me to break out the camera and share my finished Warcry Sundered Fate set.

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These models were supplied to me by Games Workshop for free.

Let’s start this blog post off with a cinematic battle scene. Warcry Sundered Fate sees the Jade Obelisk warband, a group of cultists who unknowingly serve Tzeentch, go to war with the Chameleon Skinks, Seraphon spawned and tasked with guarding the Eye of Chotec. In the scene above the Jade Obelisk are using their masonry weapons to pull down and destroy statues erected by a dawnbringer crusade. Unbeknownst to them, they’re strays too close to the crashed starship, the Eye of Chotec, and alerted the Skink guards.

The complete Warcry Sundered Fate boxed set.

This isn’t a review, I leave that to Stahly who wrote a great review here, but I wanted to share my thoughts on this set before we got onto the close up pictures and painting guides. This set is more like can expansion set. It can be used as a standalone game even though it is missing the core rulebook, which is available to buy separately or download for free from the Games Workshop website.

Look at how incredible this set up is to play on with both Heart of Ghur and Sundered Fate terrain on a single board.

The reason why I believe it’s best to own a copy of Heart of Ghur, the first set released in this season of warcry) is because there are 12 terrain cards in Sundered Fate and 6 of those include terrain layouts using the the Heart of Ghur Gnarlwood terrain set in combination with the Sundered Fate terrain set.

Painting guide on how to paint the terrain from Heart of Ghur and Sundered Fate.

I love making these painting guides, not only do people tell me how useful they are for them but it’s a way for me to write down my recipes in a really visual way and ensures a continuity and consistency to my painting even when sets are painted months apart. I used my Heart of Ghur recipe card for Sundered Fate. I’ll use it again for Warcry Bloodhunt.

The scales of the Chameleon Skinks shimmer blue to blend into the celestial skies as their Terrawing allies answer their war call.

Since Warcy was first released a few years ago, I’ve been steadily amassing a large collection of Chaos Age of Sigmar models, so when I saw the Seraphon were included I didn’t feel a need to paint these at all. Those Terrawings though, hooked me right in! I’m a sucker for Dinosaurs and now since painting these Games Workshop has been teasing more Seraphon models. Is this the start of a Seraphon army for me?

Seraphon aren’t a weird inclusion when you look at the Warcry sets in this season so far: Heart of Ghur was Nurgle vs Chaos (Rotmire Creed vs Horns of Hashut), Sundered Fate is Tzeentch vs Order (Jade Obelisk vs Hunters of Huanchi), Bloodhunt will be Khorne vs Death (Claws of Karanak vs Askurgan Trueblades) which leaves the last expansion which all we know at the time of writing this is it’s name, Nightmare Quest. Following the previous pattern this last set in the season must be Slaanesh mortals vs Destruction. Maybe the ‘night’ in ‘nightmare’ refers to Night Goblins and we’ll get Gloomspite Gitz. Although personally, I would love to see a Warcry unit of Grot Spider Riders, they’re the perfect Warband for creeping around the woods.

This is a fun fact, one reason I decided to paint the Seraphon warband was because I wanted to use it as a test scheme for my Disciples of Tzeentch army. The blue skin is a test for blue horrors, the pale gold is a test for Tzeentch gold adornments and even the little toxic frogs were an experiment for Pink Horrors.

The Terrawings were just an excuse to go full dinomode and do some crazy paint scheme. I’m not locked into an army scheme so I could do whatever I liked on these three models, hence the interesting wing patterning.

Erecting simple wooden scaffolding, the Jade Obelisk systemically destroy any idols that do not bear likeness to the Speaker in the Stone.

Now, the Jade Obelisk did excite me! This Tzeentchian warband was just what I needed to kickstart my Disciples of Tzeentch #newyearnewarmy project in 2023. It also allowed me to further experiment with more colours for the new army. Such as the bluey silver, blue fabrics and jade colours. You only have to check out my Fluxmaster to see all these paint experiments put into practice.

This warband so long to paint. I was working on it over Christmas time and was hoping to finish it before the new year, but sadly I overrun and didn’t finish it until nearly the middle of January. It’s been hard to find the time to paint recently. I absolutely love the final result though, it feels very Tzeentch with the blues and gold. I didn’t really like the brown eavy metal scheme. It was ok and felt realistic but wasn’t for me.

Since this was painting experiments for my future Disciples of Tzeentch scheme I’ve already adapted the bluey armour recipe. I now use a Frost Heart wash after the Drakenhof Nightshade wash to give it more of a blue sheen.

OK that about wraps it up for this round up. If you’d like to read my thoughts on the play style of the Hunters of Huanchi click here, or the Jade Obelisk then click here. Or if you fancy seeing my Heart of Ghur set plus all the previous otherWarcry sets I’ve painted then click here.

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