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Despite the hot weather around here, I’m making some good progress on the first batch of Wyches. I vowed to paint at least three Wyches this month so I’m pretty confident that I make my goal. Maybe I can make even another batch? What do you think of the models so far? Also notice the one on the right with the faceless mask.
Stahly hails from Craftworld Germany and has been involved with Warhammer since childhood. He has painted several armies and countless warbands and Kill Teams over the decades, and founded Tale of Painters in 2011. When he's not painting miniatures incredibly slowly, he's testing the latest paints, tools and kits with German precision and a no non-sense attitude.
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Why,can you explain!!!
I think they look pretty darn tops even as a wip. I'm always fascinated though by the paints in the background 🙂
Is that because they're colours 😉
I actually laughed out loud 🙂
Aww c'mon 🙂
Sorry dude you did kinda put that on a platter for me though ;P
To be honest I dont see why I should be set up on a platter?
It's just banter. Where's this thick skin you were boasting about 😉
I was joking:)
So was I.. hence the winky face.
Quick lets fight about not fighting about it 😉 (wink) *sly nod* +cheeky grin+
I dig the eyeshadow. Verra nice!
Sharp highlights are in Stahly's profile.
Other than that, I think the flayed flesh(?) around their waists is too close in color to the skin on their heads and arms. Seems you went darker on your warriors.
Actually not, it's the same recipe. I guess it because of the harsh light of my desktop lamp. Wait for the proper lightbox pictures when the unit is done!
These look lovely. Up to your very high standards as usual.
I must say though, I don't like the edge highlight on the mask on the right. That would look so much better if it was a blended area highlight.
I guess you need to give me blending classes when I come over 😉
Sounds good to me if you can teach me the ways of the neatness warrior!