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Ok, here’s another WIP shot. Right, now that’s out of the way I want to talk about my other love; Photography. This pic was taken at my desk with no special lighting set up, no tripod,no lightbox and no photoshop. I used my trusty Canon DSLR 7D and a hotshoe flash. If you’re not familiar with a hotshoe flash then it’s that big black box that clips on the top of the camera. You might be thinking why clip a flash onto a camera when the camera comes with one? Well, it’s simple. The hotshoe flash can pivot and turn around. in this instance I pointed the flash at the ceiling (which is white, and a great reflector) to get bounce light on the subject. If you use direct flash it can create ghastly shadows, it’s almost always best to bounce the light, it’s so much softer and more natural looking. So there you go, quick and easy desk photography that I can just pick up and shoot with. Want to know more? Let me know in the comments and I might do another photography post on hotshoe flashes.

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