Showcase: Underworlds Thricefold Discord Slaanesh Daemons (inc. painting guide)
Serving penitence in frozen catacombs, three petty Slaaneshi Heralds who can’t put aside their differences seek the ice-entombed souls for their redemption on the blog today. Put on your scarf and gloves as we take a look at these stunning models and I’ll share my painting guide with you.
Hedonites of Slaanesh: Lord of Hubris (inc. painting guides)
Games Workshop recently released the Hedonites of Slaanesh Battletome for Age of Sigmar and a single Hero model, and what a hero he is, cue Bonnie Tyler “I need a hero”. In this post we’ll explore who is the Lord of Hubris is and what he can do on the battlefield, at the end of the article I’ll share my painting recipe card for the Lord of Hubris.
Showcase: Hedonites of Slaanesh Keeper of Secrets
Slender and alluring, the Keeper of Secrets strides confidently through the ruins of the Varanspire seeking those who might lead her to the imprisoned Dark Prince.
Showcase: Fiends of Slaanesh
I recently shared my finished Infernal Enrapturess, the leader of the Slaanesh half of the Wrath and Rapture set. Spurred on by this I decided to paint the hero from the Khorne side, Karanak, The Hound of Vengeance! This three headed pooch is a tireless hunter, the physical manifestation of Khorne’s Vengeance. Karanak will stop at nothing to hunt down the heroes who defy Khorne’s will.
Showcase: Slaanesh Infernal Enrapturess
My last showcase post was on the 23rd of March. It’s been so long since I painted something that wasn’t Cursed City related. My Infernal Enrapturess is one of the hero choices in the (out of print) Wrath and Rapture battle set, which means I’m one model closer to completing that set now.
Showcase: Seekers of Slaanesh for Hedonites of Slaanesh/Chaos Daemons
In this post I’m sharing some pictures of my newly finished Seekers of Slaanesh. I talk about my army building plans and include a link for my Seekers of Slaanesh painting tutorial.
Tutorial: How to paint Seekers of Slaanesh for Hedonites and Chaos Daemons
In this post, I’ll show you how to paint Seekers of Slaanesh (or Slickblade Seekers’ steeds or Hellstriders’ steeds) in 25 easy to follow steps. You’ll learn how to thin and blend washes, make coloured metallics and more. Find out how in this tutorial.
Showcase: Chaos Daemons Daemonettes of Slaanesh
Some of you may have seen the tutorial I posted for painting Daemonettes, well I’m pleased to say I’ve finished my batch paint and completed the unit of Daemons. More pictures after the jump.
Tutorial: How to Paint Daemonettes of Slaanesh
In today’s post I’ll share a complete step by step photo tutorial guide on how to paint a Slaanesh Daemonette. More after the jump!
Showcase: Chaos Daemons Slaanesh Daemon Prince
Okay shes not really a Slaanesh Daemon Prince, but I think she makes a good one.Or even a pretty decent Dark Elves Bloodwrack. The model is from a company called Mierce Minatures. I’m not 100% certain if they produce the models for a game they…
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