I painted this fella last summer. He is UltraForge’s Chaos War Daemon, measuring in at around 9 inches tall. UltraForge is if I stand correct a Canadian company, but if I’m wrong let me know :). The model itself was very easy to assemble, it hardly needed cleaning and comes with 4 magnets that you can use to magnetize the wings to the body. I did not use the magnets, but instead pinned and modeled the wings to the body to make them more sturdy. But its a nice option with the magnets if you like that sort of thing. Overall I liked the model a lot and think it would make a pretty cool Demon Prince of Khorne or Greater Daemon of Khorne.What do you think? How does UltraForge Compare to GW?
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The Ultraforge models are pretty nice. I just ordered the Nurgly looking one with the Scythe plus some wings. So it will be interesting to see what he's like.
Some time ago I bought their Nurgle demon (the chubby one with the big cleaver), which is my favourite model of theirs. It was a joy to paint – very expressive and with a great level of detail. It think they're an excellent alternative to the regular GW models which pretty much show their age and are rather on the small side. The Forgeworld models are more impressive – bigger, well designed – but also much more expensive.
Nice work on this, but I think they were a Canadian company and now belong to a guy in USA or something. I think they sold and transferred all the molds to the new owners. You can tell it was transferred as the original owners bios are gone also, and the ABOUT page is kinda blank. Not sure who really owns it now…
All that aside.. nice work on this! Again your painting style really works on these kind of models nicely. Congrats!
I really like the look of ultra forge stuff. If i were still gaming i would choose them for sheer durability.
They are pretty toughly made models.
Nice mini! It's better than GWs bloodthirster, but the FW one is the best of the lot. Pricey, but if I played daemons, I'd so get him!