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Wow, I managed to finish rank 5/6 this weekend despite of a slow painting midweek and despite of the finecast melting temperatures in Germany. Summer is back at last. Now only four models left in this unit! Woohoo!

By the way, the picture above was taken with my new camera. After over six years of service for the Emporer (and lots of dents and dints), my trusty old cam broke. Quite in an unfortunate moment, as I was saving up for an airbrush. Luckily in 2012 you get quite a lot of camera for a reasonable amount of money. I bought a Canon Powershot SX150 IS for about 130 Euro. It’s no SLR, but it has a quite good objective for a compact camera. It has more mega pixel, a better macro mode and better aperture values over my old cam which allows me a wider depth of focus when photographing larger models or units. On the flipside, it has a little less manual options and no battery, but for the price it’s really good value and excellent for miniature photography.