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Update on my first batch of Rangers. I applied the camouflage to the coats and painted the skin and weapons. How do you like the camouflage? I tried to keep it subtle so it wouldn’t overpower the whole model. I’m still not sure about the paint scheme, maybe I should have gone with brown cloaks and black gloves and boots? Anyways, it’s too late now. At the moment I’m painting the leather, then it’s details here and there. For infantry models they take surprisinly long to paint, mainly because of the large cloaks and all the blending that’s involved, but I guess I’ll have them finished over the weekend.
Stahly hails from Craftworld Germany and has been involved with Warhammer since childhood. He has painted several armies and countless warbands and Kill Teams over the decades, and founded Tale of Painters in 2011. When he's not painting miniatures incredibly slowly, he's testing the latest paints, tools and kits with German precision and a no non-sense attitude.
love the camo pattern you chose
The dark leather gloves and boots are great, works really well! The rifles look awesome too, did you paint them the same way you did the shuriken catapult in the Guardian-tutorial?
Yes I did!
I think the CAMO came out well.
I can't remember, but did you say that you would be doing a tutorial on these guys?
No sorry, just the Iybraesil Guardian tutorial for the time being.
I really like the darker leather against the turquoise armour. I think they're looking really good. What paints do you use for the skin?
Basecoat is old Tallarn Flesh, then I layered old Elf Flesh and highlighted with VGC Pale Flesh and thinned VGC Off White thereafter.
I think the paint scheme so far fits very well. The alternative would have been very dull to the eye.
Do you use wet blending on the cloaks?
No, I mixed the paints with Vallejo Glaze Medium and used a feathering technique.