Belegar Ironhammer. True King of the Eight Peaks. Champion of The Pit. A model of extraordinary detail and character. Better run and hide Skarsnik. Skitterleap up on outta here Queek. He is done and ready to smash face as he purges his ancestral home of the filthy Goblin and Skaven menace.
First let me start with the things I don’t like about this model:
That’s right, NOTHING! Haters gonna hate, potatoes gonna potate but as far as I’m concerned GW got this bro is perfect.
According to the fluffy bits of the new Dwarf book the colors for Karak Eight Peaks are red and purple. The artwork for Belegar shows him trimmed in red only but I liked the idea of including some nice royal purple.
This model has definitely inspired me to collect and paint some of the other new Dwarfs models to add to my small collection. The new releases filled the need for detailed elites in plastic.
Episode 4 of the Dimensional Cascade podcast is up now with The Pit match for Queek Headtaker and Belegar Ironhammer. Subscribe and when episode 5 pops up you can hear if Chakax is able to unseat the reigning champion Belegar.
If there is a special character you would like to see me paint to fight in The Pit post it below. For this round I will be cheering for Chakax.
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Beautiful job.
Is there any reason the shield is red and white? Would you paint a karak eight peaks army with red/purple/white as your colours for choice?
what was your process for the cloak?
the new purples are great:
Xereus Purple > Druchii Violet > Genestealer Purple > Slaanesh Grey
Why do you like WHFB so much?
Brilliant work, I really love this model!
Did you get my mail about publishing a pic of this lad in Tabletop Insider?
I did not. Sorry. You are welcome to use it though.
Seriously impressive, but the bit that really stands out for me is the base. I keep looking at it and I cannot convince myself it isn't actual stone!
🙂 Thanks.I spent so much time on Belegar I couldn't bring myself to just dry brush it. Although it might look nice with a tuft of grass glued on there somewhere.
Lovely paintjob. I really like the aged golds and the cloak highlights. A bit too sharp for my taste, but look great.
Got a question about the second picture: how did you create the darker gold effect on the corner of the point where the hammer hits? It's difficult to point out but this is the best I got 🙂
I think I know what you are talking about. That whole surface is a a build of my gold scheme with the bottom corner showing what the base coat is and then blending to the highlights in the top corner. The scheme is something like this:
Balthasar Gold > Agrax Earthshade >Hashut Copper > Gehenna's Gold > Auric Armour Gold > Runefang Steel
That was exactly my question. Thanks!