I managed to paint the second half of the terrain from the Kill Team: Moroch box, the Battlezone Fronteris Vox-antenna and Auspex Shrine! Find out more after the jump.

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The Killzone Moroch box was kindly provided by Games Workshop.

Painting the Vox-antenna & Auspex Shrine

For the Auspex Shrine, I continued the light grey paint scheme I established with the Landing Pad. I started with Panzer Grey hobby spray from Vallejo and added a zenithal highlight of Grey Seer Spray, then used drybrushing, sponge weathering, and Vallejo Pigments Dark Slate Grey, Vallejo Pigments Carbon Black, and Vallejo Pigments Burnt Umber to add some weathering and colour variation.

The Auspex Shrine follows the same formula, it just has a few more bronze parts.

Here you can find the first part of the box, the Landing Pad, STC Hab-bunker, and stockades, and I’ve also put a link to my paint recipes in there:

A step-by-step tutorial will come to my Patreon in early May, so please have a look, you can support me & Tale of Painters for a small monthly donation there.

Cinematic shot of a Battlezone Fronteris Vox-antenna and Auspex Shrine painted by Stahly

And here is a cinematic shot of both terrain pieces. As you might notice, I came up with the greyscale paint scheme to complement the grey rubble gaming boards from the Battlezone Manufactorum / 9th Edition starter box, not the arid boards that came with the Kill Team: Moroch box.

Hope you enjoyed the latest additions to my terrain collection. I’ll soon post a few shots of the whole board with all painted terrain pieces, so stay tuned.

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