This weekend Games Workshop has released an army box set called Space Marine Strike Force Ultra. Amazingly, I can field this data-slate formation using models from my Ultramarine collection. OK, so the Captain isn’t the limited edition one, but it’s still cool. Despite owning this ready made force, I’ve decided that Chaos Space Marines will be my 7th edition army. I love the idea of summoning Daemons using the new Malefic Daemonology powers. My friend Cat has just started Necrons and was telling me that every time she starts a new army that coincides with a new edition, her choice is always lacking in the rules department, in this case not having any psychic powers! I guess all those glancing gauss flayer shots will be a big bonus now that vehicles are harder to take down. What will be your 7th edition army?
Want to paint Ultramarines like me, then check out this guide here, or maybe you want to follow in my footsteps and paint black legion, then click here.
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They've certainly made the Malefic powers tempting…of course none of the armies I have can use them. I have a feeling we're going to see a massive drop-off in Tau players in 7th.
Malefic looks tempting but it's virtually impossible to cast safely. You need to roll at least 6 dice to have a good chance of rolling three 4+ rolls and the chance of a double is high. So whilst you will summon some Daemons expect to lose your psyker doing so. Unless your psyker is a daemon of course… then Mwahahahaha!
I think the idea was to kill off your psyker summoning a tzeentch daemon and then summoning a whole load of new daemons with that.
Works for me 🙂
Oh ok, not sure how I feel about fielding two terminator captains at the same time. Does it have to be a terminator captain?
From the preview one formation is: 1 Terminator Captain, 1 5 mans Terminator Squad, 1 5 man Terminator assault squad, 1 Land Raider Crusader/Redeemer. Restrictions: Captain and Assault Squad must begin the game on the Land Raider. Terminator Squad must be in deep strike reserve.
From this I can only imagine that the other one will be: 1 Terminator Captain, 1 5 man Terminator Squad, 1 5 man Terminator assault squad, 1 Dreadnought, 1 Stormraven. Restrictions: Captain, Assault Squad and Dreadnought must begin on Stomraven. Terminators must be in deep strike reserve. Dreadnought must take Venerable upgrade.
Of course the second formation here is guess work. They also both get some special rules (one is swift deployment which probably means reserve units enter on first turn).
Well it looks like you don't need a captain for the second formation…
If you manage to get hold of the new terminator captain then you can field both dataslates since each one only requires half the box set! (This is what I am planning to do)
I can still use my Captain conversion. I don't have to use the official model to field the dataslates.
Mybe I wasn't clear but to field both dataslates you need two captains. One for the storm raven one and one for the land raider one.
I'm going Eldar, I had an army during the 2nd edition but being a lowly 12 year old I didn't treat it with respect or play enough games with it. 6th was Grey Knights for me and I might use them now and again especially with the new santic powers but I want to get away from the Imperial armies and flex my Xenos painting/playing muscles.
Do you still have your 2nd edition Eldar models? Do I feel an old hammer project in the making?
Unfortunately I only have a single scout, a d-cannon platform with crew and 2 pairs of Swooping Hawk wings left. Oh and a metal Avatar with square base, He's the only part I'd consider having in the updated list but I'll probably spring for the FW one.
Glad you picked CSM as your next army! You already had some Black Legion CSM models, will you continue with them? Can't wait to see your new models!
Yes my Black Legion will grow in size and stature. I have no real hard or fast plans, but I might ally with Astra Millitarum (come the apocalypse!) to give the cultists some armoured tank support. Or might an unbound force to fit the Astra Millitarum in. Maybe a traitor bane blade.
Who knows really, but it's so cool having the hobby opened up in this way that your creativity and imagination can run wild.
Genestealer Cults anyone?
Daemon Prince can take up to 3 mastery levels and has the special rule Daemon. So he doesn't suffer Perils of the Warp on any double.
Why CSM if you want to use malefic powers? They still have to suffer the dangers like normal (which I think is retarded btw).
I'm starting a Death Guard/Nurgle running Typhus, loads of zombies, heldrakes, great unclean ones and loads of daemons! Excited for a psychic stuff too!
Iron Hands, Clan Raukaan feel no pain terminator squad o doom ™ mmmm