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“All your base belong to us”. A small update on the Imperial Knight, I’ve made a base for him to stand on. It’s actually an underground base (on a base) with an escape hatch on top. It’s dusty and old looking, is it abandoned? That bolter and helmet look reasonable clean and new… and is that locator beacon’s light on? Interesting. In my next Imperial Knight post I’m going to share paint recipes and advice in a House Hawkshroud painting tutorial.
Garfy is a UK hobbyist with over twenty years experience. He's a regular contributor to White Dwarf Magazine including 4 Armies of the Month features and has written articles for the Warhammer Community site. He holds 3 UK Golden Demon finalist pins and 2 Armies on Parade Gold award. His other passion is photography and cinematography, which he uses to great effect to deliver high quality content to the blog.
This is really great. I've just discovered this site a few days ago and love everything about it (even down to the site color scheme), but this post caused me to finally sign in and comment. I like to think of this as an outpost that is rusty not because it is abandoned, but because the knight charged with defending it has been there for so long (100+ years?) that the elements have aged his post more than they've aged him. May not be what you're going for, anyway, but I like that idea. 🙂
As an aside, I love your painting tutorials and hope to see many more in the future… This is quickly becoming my favorite Warhammer/Miniature blog. Keep up the good work!
In this upcoming tutorial will you be air or brush painting?
Covers both 🙂
While the painting on the base is fantastic there are a few things about it that just feel "off". For starters I feel that the cork on the base really looks like cork (ie it doesnt look like rock). Maybe you could tear away at some of the edges so its not so flat or make more oganic shapes so its not so square? The second is that nothing on the base really ties any of the other elements together. What I mean is if its a "desert" base wouldnt everything have wind swept sand building up around all the objects on the ground? As it stands they just look like objects "placed" on the base instead of being part of the world that makes up the base.
Regardless of those minor critques as I mentioned before it still looks really good, just addressing those few things would dial it up from a "10" to an "11" as it were 🙂
Can't wait, I've just finished 5 hawk shroud knights and am in the middle of two lancers, the more the merrier. looking at the knights painted here really helped getting my confidence up to use an airbrush:)
Very cool. Not sure the rats would hang around with a knight stomping about, but thats a very minor point.
They must be darting across it's path.