Hey all 🙂 Today I’m showing the Glottkin model that I picked up on the weekend. He sure is a big one as you can see from the scale comparison next to a Forge World Great Unclean One. You will have to forgive me for the rather lackluster photo as one of my lamps blew just before taking this, but I think you can get the idea for how he looks. Model wise I’m really impressed by him as I think he looks a lot nicer in person than from the photos I saw in White Dwarf. It was fairly simple to build. I’ve been hearing a lot of talk about using him as a Greater Daemon of Nurgle. The only problem I see is that his back is fairly empty without the two Warriors of Chaos models, but you could use some Plaguebearers to replace them or some other models. Overall I really like this model and should have some photo’s up in the next few days once he’s all done. What do you think of the new End Times models so far?
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ah, I would love to paint this model, I absolutely love it. Good luck and enjoy it!
I saw one of these at my local GW last weekend, it absolutely huge! I'd say it'd be a fantastic model to use as a GUO, you could fill the empty space with Nurglings, Plaguebearers, or a mix of both.
I am a big fan of the End Times releases, they're really impressive. After the lacklustre GK Codex, the odd Santa Sleigh for Space Wolves and the general feeling of 40k at the moment, I'm really digging the amount of effort WHFB is getting from GW. Our gaming group have recently started a Tale of Fantasy Gamers and dipping our toes into the world of square basing.
I'm really liking all the new End Times models. I think GW is really onto something with this.
I love the new models, and these Nurgle models are just awesome… can't wait to see what they do next in WFB. 40K just isn't as exciting these days…