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Another day, another WIP. I’m going to use this post to quickly take stock of my current hobby. As you can see from the picture my Conquest delivery  finally arrived (two weeks late) and I’ve rushed ahead with painting the next issue which is Lord Felthius & the Tainted Cohort. I’ve also assembled and base coated the rest of this month’s subscription models (cargo container and three more Reivers). More on those at a later date. What does that leave left to do? Well I still have those three Pox Walkers to finish, but I did manage to finish the two Reivers I was working on last week. I’ll share a photo of those later on in the week. My concern is with this subscription delivery being two weeks late, am I going to get the next monthly delivery in two weeks time so the publisher catches up?  That doesn’t give me much time to get everything painted. It’s going to be a busy two weeks so watch this space. NEW Garfy’s Get a Grip Long Pro now available and in stock. 

Garfy's Get a Grip - now available on ebay