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Here’s a WIP shot of the Librarian. The colour scheme for all the Terminators in this set is pretty much the Ultramarines colour scheme, but keeping the Blood Angels insignia and whatnot. ‘Heresy’ some may exclaim, ‘customer’s wishes’ I calls it. I offered to change the insignia to Ultramarines stylings, but it wasn’t required.
Not that this makes a huge difference with a Librarian, but the shoulder pads stay blue on this one!
Sigur is a full-time professional painter and founder of Battle Brush Studios.
As a passionate wargamer he champions variety in miniature gaming, be it figuress, rules sets or hobby supplies. His collection includes a variety of scales, historical periods and settings, such as Space Orks, Imperial Guard, Sisters of Battle, Dark Elves, Ancient Persians, Thirty Years War, Napoleonics, WW2 and much more.
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Thanks very much, guys.
@Richard Davis: The blue is just ..well, regular blue, some manual highlighting, washes and stuff. 🙂 I think the basic (no pun intended) thing is the base you work off of. Giving it some "dusting" from above and a bit to the front and/or some other strategic white spots where light reflects the most over the black basecoat before you apply the blue helps a lot.
The text on the book and scrolls and whatnot is just squiggly lines with black mixed with a beige colour or if I'm lazy just thinned down black, all applied with a size 1 brush. (because pens are for wusses and we're painting miniatures here after all. 😉 ).
Thanks Sigur, I was thinking of using a black fine line pen, but I like the idea of mixing black into the base colour, less stark than using pure black. I guess trial and error on older miniatures is probably the best way forward, but I was really impressed with how small and neat you'd managed to get the script, compared to some I've seen on the 'net.
Kudos to you.
Nice! Really like the pose on the left arm, was thinking of doing similar with a grey knight terminator arm instead, with the wrist mounted storm bolter.
Really like the blue, any colour recipes? Also how do you do the writing on the scrollwork and purity seals? Such fine detail work, superb.
Wow… Excelent progres!