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So, in the early stages of this Army of the Imperium project I need to get some colour schemes sorted. I always paint one miniature from a unit and take photos of each step with the paint pot next to it. This is so I can make a tutorial which doubles up as a paint recipe with instructions for myself. Stay tuned to see which other models I’m working on for the army.
Garfy is a UK hobbyist with over twenty years experience. He's a regular contributor to White Dwarf Magazine including 4 Armies of the Month features and has written articles for the Warhammer Community site. He holds 3 UK Golden Demon finalist pins and 2 Armies on Parade Gold award. His other passion is photography and cinematography, which he uses to great effect to deliver high quality content to the blog.
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Been watching and waiting since center your test models with your wife. I'm currently painting blood ravens but have some models set aside for dark angels.
Hi Garfy! Looking forward your next steps in the Army of the Imperium project. The first mini in this Dark Angels batch looks really good, can't wait for the tutorial and the full squad done:-) Keep up the great work!
Thank you. I've been a bit unmotivated recently. Your comment (and everyone else's) really helps. Thank you.
Seconded. This tutorial can not get done quickly enough. I am poised, brush in hand! Thanks for all the work you do!
Question, I'm not sure if I missed something, but what is the Army of the Imperium project that you mentioned? I really enjoyed the project you and Stahly did with the different armies. Anything like that in the works?
It's very similar but it will be a solo project. I'm basically combining all the Imperial forces I've collected from multiple box sets over the years. It's a combined collection.
It'll have dark vengeance Dark Angels, storm claw Space Wolves, Death Storm Blood Angels, Assassins from Execution Force and I'll also throw in my existing Grey Knights and Imperial Knight. Should grow quite quickly.
Sweet! Sounds like a very cool project, can't wait to see the final results. I'm only assuming there will be an awesome photo shoot as well! Hmmm, Tyranids and Chaos maybe? 😉
I'm just about to start painting the exact same squad so it will be fun to follow you along and see your progress! I have to say those 32mm bases look amazing and I wish i had based mine on them rather than 25mm I think from this point on all my squads will be on 32mm bases!
Love that green <3, I'm using the same dark green for mine tactical scuad of DA, and a darker one for the ravewing.
Good to see what they look like on 32mm bases before I do it myself. Yet again we've had the same idea!
What I'm a little apprehensive about is altering the scenic bases to 32mm (ie the plastic librarian, captain, chaplain, interrogator seraphicus).
I think they look wicked on 32mm bases.
I put mine on 32mm bases and it makes them appear even bigger! The DV Dark Angels are great for solid-pose minis, but somehow the bigger bases give an illusion of greater size and bulk.