Hey guys, check out my progress on my Fire Prism. The hull is almost 90% complete, just need to do some touch-ups and add a couple more transfers. Next thing to do is painting all the weapon bits. I’ve got a couple of days off work, so I hope to finish this model this week. How do you like it so far?
By the way, how do you like the new Eldar book? I only had a quick flip-through on Saturday, but my first impression was that the artwork and design was much better in the last book. Is there much new fluff about craftworld Iybrasil?
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Those black blocky overlapping Stickers look horrible and ruin your beautiful clean painting. Why dont you airbrush the Patterns on ? With a little bit of care you can use the stencils for 2-3 vehicles.
Don't worry, I'll apply another couple of Microsol layers and then a coat of matte carnish. Then the transfers will blend in almost perfectly.