Hey all, today is going to be a real quick one with a pair of Dark Eldar Cronos’s. I painted them as part of a small Dark Eldar unit that will be allies with a larger Eldar army that I finished earlier this year.
I switched the regular clear plastic base out for a heavier resin one to give the model some bulk. Hopefully, fingers crossed in the next article I will be able to show the Mierce miniatures Krull model that I am working on. Also I’d like to say thanks for the positive feedback on our first video tutorial that was posted a few days ago. I read the comments and will choose one of the recommendations to do in the next video.
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They look beautiful as does all your work. I personally think you are one of the best stylized painters around .On another note at Adepticon last year your painted armies competing playing games looked brilliant compared to most other armies. Keep up the good work. Walter
Very nice work. They really look unpleasent. 🙂
How do you coat your models?
Hey cheers guys 🙂 I like the Dark Eldar models a lot even though I don't play them. They are a nasty bunch of guys/gals from the fluff I have read.
I agree they look very dark, imposing and incredibly spooky! One of my favourite painters I follow on the Internet such a depressing macabre style I love
They are creepy as hell…the sick skintone is a must over them. The perfect rapresentation of the Dark Eldar looking in my opinion. Congratulations!