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Hi all, Banzai1000 back with some actual work. Like many (?) others I got GW’s Horus Heresy box “Betrayal at Calth” (as a christmas present) and lately I started to paint some of these models. See what I accomplished so far after the jump…

I decided to paint the Captain in the colours of the Sons of Horus because I really like their paint scheme and felt it was a good take-off point to delve into collecting an army for 30k. The Captain was the first model I completed while I was figuring out the final paint scheme. I only used Stegadon Scale Green, mixed with successive amounts of Sybarite Green. The highlights were done with Rotting Flesh (old one).

The Contemptor Dreadnought was done in the same manner. For the gold I used Retributor Gold, drybushed with Liberator Gold and Ironbreaker. The model is not as detailed like the FW ones, but I think it’s a decent and affordable alternative.

The first Cataphractii Terminator from the box. I armed him with an autocannon from FW. Turned out pretty good I think…

Here you can see the difference between a plastic Terminator from the box (on the right) and a resin one from FW. The FW model, a Justaerin Terminator with a Tartaros pattern power axe, is more detailed. He will serve as the squad’s sergeant.

I hope you like this batch. Next I will finish two more Cataphractii Terminators from Betrayal at Calth. Also I got hold of a first edition Land Raider from GW, which I will pimp a little bit. So stay tuned for some more heresy…