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Wow, I was blown away by the support for the first video, so I thought I’d make another one. This time I talk about how I base my models. Link to the video after the jump.

I’m hoping to make a third video. VLOG #03 will be about airbrush undercoating. I’m sure if I can keep these up I’ll be covering all manner of subjects. I’m not making these to any kind of long term plan, each video will be literally what ever I’m working on or thinking about. There could be reviews and the like in the future. If this interests you then make sure you subscribe. Initially I’m just aiming for 2 or 3 a month. One a week would be amazing but I need to settle into the groove and find out the fastest way to produce these to the best of my ability. it’s baby steps at the moment but I’m enjoying this new adventure.

If you’d like to watch the first VLOG you can see it here. It’s a time-lapse of myself a painting Deathwatch Marine, from start to finish. 

Garfy's Get a Grip - now available on ebay