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Hey all and hope your having a fun hobby filled Saturday. Today I’m showing the beginning of a World Eater army that I am painting with a Spartan Assault Tank and two Rhinos.
The Spartan Assault Tank is a model by Forge World. The model itself was a quite a tough one to put together as some of the parts do not always fit well. So I had to cut away parts and fill in others. On the other hand the model is very nice and very heavy in weight.
The Rhinos are from Games Workshop with addition of the doors and front window sections from Forge World.
Overall I’m enjoying working on these so far. What do you think?
ThirdEyeNuke is no longer an active contributor to Tale of Painters. However, you can still browse his archived posts by clicking on this banner.
Looking great. I just picked up a Storm Eagle for my World Eaters and I cant wait to weather it up… these pics are really inspiring. They look phenomenal! Love the chipping 🙂
Looking nice! Which paint did you use for the red?
Looking awesome!!