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Hi everyone, I’ve finished my third battleline unit for my growing Stormcast Eternals collection; a unit of Liberators with swords and shields. This put my collection at almost 2000 points. I’ve also taken a photo of my entire collection so far, see this after the jump!
Recently I attended an independent Age of Sigmar tournament, Alliance which was organised by Ben Curry of the Bad Dice Podcast. It was a one day three game event with over 60 players, the event was very well run and was great fun! Ben took a great photo of my army on display with the scenery I also painted for the event. I’ve also taken a photo of my entire collection so far, I’m really happy with how the army is shaping up!
Amy is no longer an active contributor to Tale of Painters. However, you can still browse her archived posts by clicking on this banner.
I second Ander's comment! That gritty gold is stunning!
Have you made a tutorial on your Stormcasts? They look great. I found one tutorial, but that one was in a more traditional, "GW" sort of Eternal. Yours is so gritty and dark. Would love to see a tutorial!
The new unit looks great! The two metallic colours look good together. Love the silver/ gold around their shields – an tips would be greatly appreciated!