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Here’s the first unit of a small army of amazing Marauder Dwarfs I painted a while ago.
To me this range is the definitive GW Dwarf range. Lovely character in those faces and several fun little details.
The variety in poses (accentuated by huge iron hammers, held in various positions) and the differently coloured beards are all pulled together by a simple, striking colour scheme.
Hope you like them!
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Sigur is a full-time professional painter and founder of Battle Brush Studios. As a passionate wargamer he champions variety in miniature gaming, be it figuress, rules sets or hobby supplies. His collection includes a variety of scales, historical periods and settings, such as Space Orks, Imperial Guard, Sisters of Battle, Dark Elves, Ancient Persians, Thirty Years War, Napoleonics, WW2 and much more.