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These guys where a whole bunch of fun. I have always wanted to paint the Minotaurs again since I last painted Asterion and Ivanus about a year and a half ago. I tried to keep the style similar to Imperial Armour Vol 12 The Fall of Orpheus. Its was actually pretty tough as the bronze/gold metallic is hard to achieve. At first I thought it would be a doddle, but it did take a long time. I also had to watch 300 as influence 🙂
Unfortunately the photos I took for this are not the best, but I think you can get the idea of what I did.
Any Minotaur player about?
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Could you tell us how you painted these, they look amazing!
ur style makes me ill
Hey, dont feel ill.
Very Nice. Really like those
normally im against use of airbrushing becuse most people make it look cheap – you on the other hand, have blended it in quite well, they look great, still afew areas i'd clean up like purity seals, eyes, the curly vine patterns on the armor, and the end of the dread's plasma cannon. That being said – the gritty paint job is very '300' – great work 😛
Yeah I play minotaurs and those put my force to shame. Absolutely stunning
Hey thanks all and Merry Christmas 🙂 I think 2014 is really exciting for 40K!
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The OSL from the plasma is really good!
Wow, they look great! Definitely suits your nitty gritty style. I think its funny that you watched 300 to get an idea of what to do, very fitting haha.
I love that film 🙂