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Hi all, it’s nearly Christmas and everybody is going berzerk 🙂 So I thought it is only appropriate to show a model in red and gold colours: Primarch Angron from the World Eaters.
To be honest, I had this guy standing on my paint station for quite a while. Now I found the time and motivation to finish my rendition of this great model.
I used a 40mm base from GW’s Chaos Marines Terminator Captain because I wanted to use the original base otherwise.
So what will be your hobby activities over Christmas? Tell us in the comment section…
Banzai1000 is a hobbyist from Germany with over 15 years of experience, and a regular contributor to White Dwarf Magazine. He is known for his masterful conversions and loves to come up with spectacular Armies on Parade entries every year. So far he scored five Armies on Parade gold medals, as well as three Golden Demon finalist pins.
I like the idea of the thighs being red. Cool look
Thx, yes i wanted something different and not gold all over……
Thanks for showing him off. It made me dust off my Angron to finish during the holiday. You are running a little more colorful than I am. The expression you captured on his face is amazing – a great show of emotion.
Do you feel that his axes are a bit short? Or is it because he is a large man?
Thx, i feel that the axes could be larger. He isn't that big compared to other primarchs (what i think).
Apart from that: Merry Christmas ?